...Mixed martial arts self defence
We teach a realistic and proven street defence system, using what really works on the streets today.Breaking news … as of 19th May 2021 we are back training in the hall!

Self defence starts with acceptance of possible violence directed to you. Once you have accepted this, gain control and deal with the situation.
Real life is vastly complex and situations of assault or attack can happen at any time. We aim to cover all aspects of self protection, including knife attacks, grabs/holds, bus/elevator/enclosed area attacks etc. Awareness is recognising possible dangers around you and how you may contribute to it. Be aware of environmental and personal dangers, be aware of what is going on around you.

- Build your confidence
- Achieve fitness
- Develop control
- Victims of bullying
- Victims of violent relationships
Do you live in fear of being attacked ?
Contact us to find out more
Steve – 07432 828970
Email: [email protected]

Our training centre provides training for a diverse range of students. Young, old, male, female, big and small are welcome. You are sure to meet and train with like minded people.
Check out our lessons section for details.

Seniors Training Videos
See more videos on our Facebook page
Don’t make yourself a target
and a victim.
Remember an attacker is not looking for a fight, he’s looking for an easy target, someone he thinks will not fight back. Surprise is an advantage move, your attacker probably does not know you and what you are capable of. Fighting back with aggression, control and knowledge will give you a chance to prevent yourself being injured.

Wednesday Evening
6pm – 7pm
Thames Gateway Round House
Overy St
Session cost:
£7 for 1 student
£12 for 2 students
Your first trial session is free.
Juniors Kids Combat Training Videos
Self Protection and personal safety involves lots of ideals and methods that can not be learnt in a short time, only with hard work and commitment. Only then will you start to understand the real meaning of self protection; self defence. At our club we try to keep it real by teaching realistic moves that are practical and apply to street level, with no fancy footwork.
We use a combination of techniques from boxing and various martial arts including
Karate, Aikido, Judo and Muay Thai.
Wednesday Evening (6pm to 7pm)
Wednesday Evening (from 7pm)
Steve Williams

» Black belt Shotokan Karate
» Nijonin Level 2 Instructor
» Fudo Ken Ryu Karate
» Advanced Level 2 Instructor SDF UK
For more information
call Steve on
07432 828970
We train at:
Thames Gateway Round House
Overy St
Juniors Kids Combat:
Wednesday Evening
6pm – 7pm
Wednesday Evening
from 7pm
The content on this website, images, video and text, represents techniques practiced by our club’s students under the supervision of trained instructor(s). Any technique displayed or described in this website should not be attempted without the supervision of an appropriately trained instructor. SAS Self Defence and all persons associated with the club do not accept any liability whatsoever for any personal injuries or damage to property caused by practicing the techniques displayed in this website, or any other website displaying our materials.
© Copyright 2021 Self Aware Street Self Defence